About Absent Simmer

Pieridae Red has been telling stories with the use of the Sims games for a long time. Like, a long, long, time.

Remember The Sims, anyone? As in the original sims? Yep, that long.

I come and go with Sims, because the games seem to follow the ebb and flow of my life. I’ve been away for a long while now, following some tragic events in my personal life. But I’ve been itching to play again, Sims 3 this time. (Sims 2 is my all-time favorite, if you’re wondering. I’m fairly new to Sims 3, and I’ve never touched Sims 4.)

Harrington Heights is a story I’ve wanted to tell for a long time, but I could never get it off the ground with Sims 2. That said, I’ve found new inspiration with Sims 3. The open world aspect is just what this story has been looking for, methinks.

This is a story about the haves and the have-nots, and the age-old battle for power in a small community called Harrington Heights.

The DiPotere Curse is a long-running series based on a Sims 2 Legacy that was started so many moons ago. The Legacy story got it’s byline Cursed, as I kept losing legacy families due to computer fails, glitchy backups, and – for the latest re-installment – a combination of computer killed by Microsoft update, seemingly disappeared Google Drive back-ups, and a very old DVD backup that had, strangely enough, legacy heiresses from TWO DIFFERENT installments of the series. I don’t think I could make this stuff up if I tried (and that’s saying A LOT).

Anyway, I really enjoy writing these Sim stories. It helps me escape from the day-to-day grind. I hope you enjoy reading them, too.

<3 pieridae